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sellers surveyed are using technology at least once a week

sellers surveyed are using technology at least once a week

According to the latest news report, 73 percent of sellers surveyed are using technology at least once a week to get access to real-time data to drive sales. APAC State of Sales 2022 report is part of the global State of Sales project, which surveyed almost 15,000 buyers and sellers across 11 countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Netherlands, Singapore, UK, and US. This report includes the responses of 750 buyers and 750 sellers in India. Across the board, Singapore had the largest cohort of sellers who use technology at least once a week at 89%, versus 81% in Australia and 73% in India. The top performers across the three countries identified the primary advantages of sales tech differently. In Australia, 32% of top performers chose flexibility, in Singapore, 29% chose efficiency, and in India, 23% chose real-time data accuracy. Apart from that, 84% of Indian sellers have seen a deal lost or delayed in the past year by a decision-maker changing roles, making it crucial to use sales intelligence tools to keep a tab on buyers. Compared to a year ago, 79% of respondents say that they do more research now before calling or emailing prospects. According to a LinkedIn report when buyers and sales are constantly considering shifting roles. More than 8 in 10 84% of sales professionals in India have lost at least one deal just because of decision making roles change. We do not know whether businesses will be impacted in the future due to role shifting. What will be the future of the sales?